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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Antiwar Rally Photos from Yesterday

I'll start with the sign/banner awards:

Most original,

most humorous,

and most sobering.

Unlike some other major cities, our folks in blue aren't so uptight [not so quick to trade in the blue for riot gear and shows of force when a few people who disagree with the Bush-Cheney junta have a public assembly].

When trying to influence public opinion, it's always better [in my humble opinion, which is based on the golden rule] to entertain commuters rather than inconvenience them [or blow them up]. Most of the folks you see in this photo showed up on bike, foot, and public transit and did not block traffic. Motorists of all different walks of life [except for three very angry white men who gave us the finger] responded mostly with honks, waves, peace signs, right-ons!, or they simply continued to talk on their phones, not noticing us at all [thanks Goddess for the big curbs and bright white lines down the middle of the road]. We got a few curious stares and blank looks—mostly from folks in dark Mercedes sedans with Jersey plates—strange that.

Some folks feel more strongly than others, which is still legal in Philadelphia. I don't know if we accomplished more than cheering up some commuters, but it's better than working late or staying home and doing nothing.
I'm glad William Penn was able to join us. He was a pacifist, too.

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